Monday, March 15, 2010

Rated "R" Movies

Well a couple of weeks ago we had a discussion in class about watching "R" rated movies and it was funny because I think it was the most class participation we have ever had. I made a lot of comments and I think that Sister Steadman believes that I am a adamant "R" rated movie watcher, but I actually don't watch "R" rated movies. We talked about a lot of different aspects that can play into it, but one of subjects that we talked about is how sex affects the way people think but how violence doesn't hardly affect people. I believe that this is true, when I was younger I used to watch quite a few "R" rated movies and I know that it had an affect on me and I am so grateful for the decision that I made on my mission to not watch "R" rated movies. However, I do feel that we as Latter-day Saints need to do a better job of not judging people of other faiths and of our own faith who do not live by this commandment. I think that people can be too judgmental at times and this makes the church look almost a little self-righteous. I believe one of the greatest things that the church is trying to do right now is find things in common with people of other faiths instead of pointing out the differences. I believe that this is a great missionary tool that has really helped the Work move forward. But I do think "R" rated movies do have a huge affect on people and that is why the Prophets have urged us not to watch them.

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